Surface aerators and submersible aeration equipment for wastewater treatment

The activated sludge process requires certain types of microorganisms to break down organic matter in wastewater. As any other living organism, the microorganisms need energy to reproduce. When breaking down organic matter or oxidizing ammonium (NH4+) to Nitrite (NO2-) energy in the form of ATP for microorganism reproduction is released. However, both conversions need oxygen. […]
Solid liquid waste management – Waste sludge handling

Municipal and industrial wastewater undergoes various treatment steps in WWTPs before it is released back into rivers and other waterways. In secondary clarifiers most sludge is collected and recycled back to the aeration basin to generate a stable and productive activated sludge for nutrient removal. However, as more and more sludge enters the plant over […]
Tube settler self-assembly kit – easy assembly on site

All tube settler module designs for particle separation have one thing in common: Assembled blocks consist to more than 90% of air. Therefore, depending on the distance between place of fabrication and place of installation, freight costs can be a big cost factor. For example a 54ft truck has a loading capacity of about 3,500ft3. […]
Lamella clarifier guideline – tube settler design and CFD simulation (Video animation)

Apart from the selection of the right lamella clarifier module the design of lamella clarifier tanks requires several design considerations. More details on the selection of the right lamella clarifier module can be found in the linked video. Other parts of a lamella clarifier tank are the water inlet, sludge settling and water outlet zone. […]
Activated sludge process – Upgrade with IFAS

After explaining how the activated sludge process works in part 1 we are now taking a closer look on how to increase the wastewater treatment capacity of ASP with IFAS systems. IFAS stands for integrated fixed film activated sludge and describes the combination of fill media attached growth systems with the activated sludge process. The […]
Activated sludge process and IFAS – Design rules + guideline

Activated sludge is worldwide the most used suspended growth process in wastewater treatment. The treatment process can include different steps, but most commonly are: Screening and grit removal to filter out debris Primary clarifier for particle sedimentation Biological treatment with activated sludge consisting of an aeration basin, secondary clarifier and recycle stream Disinfection for […]
Flocculation and coagulation – How to form particle flocs and settle them down

Flocculation and coagulation are fundamental for wastewater treatment and were already used by the ancient Egyptians in 1,300 BC. This sample of muddy looking water from a paper mill has a very high turbidity due to the presence of many suspended particles. Adding flocculants will cause that small particles clump together to bigger flocs that […]
History of wastewater treatment – from Hippocratic sleeve to activated sludge

Nowadays wastewater treatment plants are large, complex facilities that use multiple technologies to remove up to 99% of all pollutants in wastewater. Our standards for clean water are continuously rising and not one day passes by without new innovations for wastewater treatment. But wastewater treatment was not always this advanced. So, let’s have a look […]
How to get rid of pond algae bloom – Understanding reasons for algae blooms

A pond can be a beautiful and ornamental addition to a garden or home, but it might lose some of its charm if the water is green and murky with algae. Especially in warmer climates algae bloom occurs more and more often in the last years. Therefore, it is important to understand what is causing […]
Top 10 country comparison – freshwater withdrawal consumption

Thanks to the FAO – Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations – for providing us the data for our newest video animation.… Fresh water is any naturally occurring water except seawater and brackish water. Fresh water includes all forms of water such as ice sheets, glaciers, ponds, rivers, lakes streams and groundwater. Freshwater makes up […]