Tube settlers
Clarifier Support Structure
AET provides engineering design support and product solutions for supporting and anti-floating structures for any clarifier tank geometry (including round tanks) and in different materials such as stainless steel, aluminum and FRP.
For more information or for a specific project inquiry, please contact us through our inquiry form.
- Equidistant channels provide maximum surface area
- Polypropylene material extends product lifetime
- Higher material thickness provides high product stability (walkable design)
- Tongue and groove system allow easy onsite assembly
- Large channel opening size reduces the risk of clogging
Indiana, USAReferences
West Virginia, USAReferences
Densadeg® retrofit, TX, USAReferences
Campus WWTP, FL, USAReferences

Indiana, USA
The WTP of Hammond, IN supplies up to 80 MGD of drinking water to the city of Chicago and the surrounding area. AET in collaboration with AECOM provided a turnkey clarifier system including tube settlers, support structure, catwalks, baffle walls, and effluent collection system. Since the clarifier basins are underground, all equipment had to be designed to fit through a 4ft manhole.

West Virginia, USA
AET provided full replacement for a turnkey tube settler clarifier system including support structure, stainless effluent troughs, baffle walls and water stop gates. The plant flowrate capacity was increased from 16MGD to 20MGD by using AET high performance LS50 tube settlers.

Densadeg® retrofit, TX, USA
AET retrofitted a Densadeg® high rate clarifier system in Texas, USA. The previously used PVC tube settlers were partially clogged and deteriorated caused by sunlight and UV radiation. The AET scope of supply included a new supporting structure, tube settlers for a round tank shape and improvements on the existing effluent launders.

Campus WWTP, FL, USA
AET provided engineering support for the design of an on-campus WWTP in Florida, USA. At the same time we supplied new tube settlers which are tested for different flow rates and solid levels.
Articles & Literature